What To Leave Behind

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Moving to a new home after years of being in the same residence can be a daunting task. You have probably accumulated tons of junk over the years, most of it sitting in your basement, garage or cupboards. When it comes time to move, instead of bringing all the clutter with you, take the opportunity to identify what you can let go of so that your new house can be as much of a fresh start as possible. See below for some tips on what to leave behind and how to get rid of it!

Clothing –

 Moving to a new home is a great opportunity to clear out some of your old clothes and figure out what you don’t need anymore. While we understand some articles might have sentimental value to you, there are many pieces that you haven’t worn in years but would get used a lot by someone else. Additionally, depending on the climate of the area you are moving to, you might not need some of the sweaters, mittens or hats you currently have. Depending on the brand name and condition, many of these items can be sold on eBay or Classified sites. However, if you want to avoid going through the trouble of listing them there are likely many charitable organizations in your area that will come pick them up and make sure they get to someone who needs them.

Papers/ documents – 

Try clearing out some of the old receipts or outdated documents that you no longer need. The last thing you want to do when moving to a new house it to bring all the old clutter with you. Obviously certain items like birth certificates, passports and marriage licenses need to stay – but for the less important things, try scanning them onto the computer. Storing them digitally takes up far less space and they are much easier to sort through.

Expired/Outdated items – 

Check your cabinets, garage and basement for outdated or expired products. For example, expired medicine, insect killer, batteries chemicals can all be dangerous to carry around the house. Expired medicine can be brought to many local pharmacies to be safely disposed of. As for batteries and chemicals like insect killer – check out the listings in your area for areas where you can dispose of chemical products. Keep in mind that certain products might not be necessary depending on where you are moving. If you are moving to a condominium, for example, you can look to sell your lawn mower on your local classified ads so you don’t have to incur the cost to move it.

Appliances –

 If your new home contains brand new appliances then there really is no point in bringing the old ones with out. As long as you didn’t include them in the sale of your existing house, these items are best sold or given away locally. Again, if you don’t wish to go through the trouble of listing the item then call one of your local charities and they would be happy to come pick it up at no charge and make sure it gets to people who need it.